Top 2 Ways to Overcome Anxiety and Overwhelm

Overwhelm and Anxiety can tank your health efforts.

When you’re working on your health journey and you’re excited about the progress you’re making and then out of nowhere…WHAM! You’ve been hit by a situation, person or circumstance that brings Overwhelm and/or Anxiety rushing in.

From that point on, if not dealt with carefully and immediately, that can be the beginning of the end of your good efforts. It is so easy to turn to our ‘old ways’ of unhealthy bingeing, stress-eating, even lack of eating, and a negative swirl of worry, doubt, anger, frustration and guilt are typically not far behind.

How do we get out of the grips that Anxiety and Overwhelm have on us, and learn new, healthier ways to cope and ultimately conquer their evil snare?

In this video I share my Top 2 Ways of effectively beating Overwhelm and Anxiety before they have a chance to take over.

No longer will you feel like you’ve taken two steps forward in your health, just to take three steps back when anxiety hits. You will now have the confidence, knowledge and wherewithal to see them coming and take the proper immediate action so your health (and good efforts) don’t take the fall.


Watch the video and then I would love to have you post your comments below.

Please share how these two steps can impact how you used to handle the situation, versus how you will handle it moving forward, in light of what you learned.

>> Grab a cup of tea, nestle in, and let’s stop Anxiety and Overwhelm from beating you once and for all. Watch the video now.

~Dr. Melody

P.S. Feel free to email me any questions or comments you might have, and if you’re a Christian woman on your health journey and you’ve not yet joined my awesome Facebook group of love and support, then join us here! Share your thoughts on the video in the group as well. Would love to interact with you and get to know you better in that way. 🙂

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