holistic wellness

4 Holistic Wellness Tips for Living a Better Life

When examining your health, there are a number of different components which must be considered. Your health doesn’t just deal with the physical and mental, but with the emotional and spiritual as well.

If you’re looking to improve on all of these facets, you need to start focusing on holistic wellness practices. These are practices which affect all components of your health, and which prioritize lifestyle choices before medicine.

Perhaps you’re looking to engage in these practices, but don’t know where to get started?

Here are 4 holistic wellness tips for living a better life.

1. Make Water Your Drink of Choice

So many people wake up, drink coffee, go to work, drink pop, come home, drink alcohol, and repeat the process over and over again. While drinking these liquids in moderation is alright, letting them take over for water is a mistake.

To improve your overall health, it’s important to make water your drink of choice. Water is not only hydrating, it’s also free of the many sugars and chemicals which tend to upset your brain chemistry.

Pop, coffee, and other caffeinated beverages will turn your emotions into a roller coaster. Water will keep your emotions on a smooth, straight, steady line at all times.

2.Think & Eat Mindfully

In recent years, the word “mindfulness.” mindfulness meditation or eating, as promoted for health and business benefits, derives from a Buddhist approach to meditation. In which suffering is a state of mind to mentally and emotionally detaching from what causes one’s suffering. The goal of Buddhist meditation could be called “mindlessness.”

The secular more westernized purpose of mindfulness meditation or eating is to slow down the busy and random thoughts and overactive bodies, leading to a cognitive state in which the physical systems of the brain and body operate more efficiently and effectively. There isn’t anything wrong with your physical systems functioning well.

Physical health is a goal worth pursuing, but as Christians, we aim for something more than just good physical health. Our goal is eternal living in God’s kingdom. Different from the Buddhist and secular mindfulness meditation or eating, which is based on emptying the mind, Christian mindfulness is designed to fill the mind with just one thing: seeking God’s kingdom and his righteousness. From this perspective, Christian mindfulness and meditation don’t aim to detach ourselves from suffering but to attach our deepest selves to God.

3. Get Enough Sleep

A problem that nearly every human being in the modern world has is not getting enough sleep.

Sleep is vital to your overall health, influencing weight loss, physical strength, mental alertness, psychological balance, and spiritual clarity. Not getting enough sleep will result in a lack of concentration and a general grogginess.

At the very least, you should be getting 7 hours of straight, uninterrupted sleep a night. Create a consistent sleep schedule, and stick to it.

4. Exercise

If you’re not already exercising regularly, you need to start doing so as soon as possible.

Regular exercise carries a number of different benefits. Not only does it speed it your metabolism and help you to stay in shape, it also heightens your mood, gives you more energy, increases the strength of your bones, and strengthens your immune system.

At the very least, you should be getting in 30 minutes of cardio 3 times a week. It doesn’t have to be anything serious. A brisk walk will improve your overall health.

Embrace Holistic Wellness

Are you looking to improve your physical, spiritual, and emotional health through holistic wellness practices? If so, I, Dr. Melody Stevens, can help.

I help people improve their lives by putting an increased focus on faith and God. As a licensed physical therapist, I know exactly what needs to be done to get your life on the right track.

Contact me so that we can start improving your life today!

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